Basford Bystander
The Basford Bystander is a Community Newspaper devoted to Nostalgia, Local History and memories from folk (and ex-pats) about Basford in Nottingham and the surrounding area. The Basford Bystander is published every other month.
An Annual Subscription of £5.50 (6 x 35p per copy plus p&p) sent to the Circulations Secretary, at the address below will ensure that Basford Bystanders for the year (six issues) will be mailed direct to your home address.
Alternatively and especially for Overseas readers - the Basford Bystander can be sent in pdf format direct to subscribers by e-mail. Please e-mail [email protected] for details of this service and a sample copy.alternative represents a huge savings on postal costs.
Contact Details
Circulations Secretary
44 Cherry Tree Close, Brinsley, Nottinghamshire NG16 5BA
e-mail: [email protected]